Posted by Not Your Average Family Bear on 6th Mar 2023
We have a lot of people asking for ideas for shirts or matching outfits for families for many different occasions. Some are wanting matching mother and father shirts along with new babies and some are wanting them for special occasions like Easter family pics, family vacation shirts or just family picture baby clothes and shirts that match for every member of the family including the grand mother and grand father. Here are the top selling matching family shirts!
1) Mama Papa and Baby, Brother and Sister Bear Matching Family Shirts are our #1 seller and are good for just about any time of year. These are available in black which probably the best seller and also in white and unisex type color grey. Within this set you can purchase the mama bear shirts, papa bear shirts, baby bear clothes and any of the above in a any combination so your next photo opportunity. However, these are also purchased for new big brother shirt and sister shirts.
2) The Unisex Grey Baby Bear Onesie is also one of the hottest selling onesies that is purchased for many different reasons including newborn babies like nieces and nephews, best friends having their baby and you want to buy a gift to wear home from the hospital as well as valentines baby gifts from grandpa and grandma, mimi, nana and more.
3) White Mama and Papa Bear Shirts are also a #1 gift for new moms and dads that are having their very first child. These are pristine white which makes them great for photo opportunities and of course all the family members are available including baby, brother and sister as well as mimi and nana, pop pop, papa and more.
These are gift ideas and themes for baby showers, new baby gifts for friends and family and of course any mama or daddy out there that is trying to get a great outfit for pictures of the newborn, 6 month, 1 year old. Many of these are also sold as birth announcement onesie that can be used to send to grandma and grandpa in the mail to let them know that you are pregnant - hence the birth announcement shirt. Promoted to mommy and daddy shirts are also big sellers for those that are doing a pregnancy reveal get together or party.