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Blog - redneck tank tops

What Does RHEC and Also Yeet Mean That Rednecks Use All The Time

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For those that are new rednecks, out of the loop or just scratching your head at all the redneck lingo we are going to help you a little bit. Southern Sisters Designs is one of the original camo and country website for apparel bikinis, jewelry etc. With that we love helping those deeper in southern traditions that you might call rednecks. Yes Larry the Cable Guy and also Jeff Foxworthy put the Redneck comedians and a lot of their sayings and vernacular on the map but there are still some that only truly those in the know really understand what they mean.

The first in RHEC which is actually an abbreviation. 

What Does RHEC mean? 
is the simplest terms in stands for Raise Hell and Eat Cornbread. Lol  Every time I write this or listen to it makes me laugh kinda like you might be a redneck if....

The first time we were introduced to this was Raise Hell and Eat Cornbread song by Ryan that was put out in 2014.

You can read more about it right here

What Does Yeet Mean?
Yeet means that you are excited. A quick word shout but some people also use it when someone or something disgusts them. Sounds kinda crazy but it can be used for both. Once again you will see many backwoods barbies and swamp folks use this term regularly!

We don't offer RHEC shirts but our best selling shirts or tanks are Redneck Drinking Team! These sell like crazy for us and perfect for any party, beach trip or just about any party night out. 
