Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition that can cause your sebaceous glands to produce too much sebum on the scalp, face, chest, eyebrows, beard, ears etc. This excess sebum will lead to the development of dandruff and may also result in red, itchy patches on the scalp. The best way to prevent seborrheic dermatitis is by [...]
It's Wedding Season and Here Is The Ultimate Bachelorette Gift Although wedding etiquette may not be at the top of everyone's list, but as someone who has planned a wedding before, I can tell you: there are endless southern and country wedding traditions that come into play. Have you heard of the wedding panty tradition? The wedding [...]
Do you have a “scalp problem like acne, dandruff, folliculitis or just itching and flaking - or maybe your hair isn't growing as you would like?” If so, then you are not alone. Sebum plugs are one of the most common scalp problems that people suffer from. They can be an embarrassing and unsightly issue [...]
When most people think of hair issues they right away think of itchy scalp, dandruff, hair loss or thinning but truth be told it is just simply aging hair that most salon stylist say that they are always trying to refer the best shampoo and hair treatments for. Aging hair brings on a plethora of [...]
Why Is Yarrow Pomegranate Shampoo Our Top Selling Shampoo For Anti Aging?When you talk about anti aging right away everybody goes to skin care and with good reason as the skin is one of the best ways to determine how old somebody is but there is also the hair. Anti aging shampoos have been all [...]
When it comes to your skin knowing which oils work best for each of the different skin issues is vital to creating and maintaining healthy skin. Here is a breakdown of the different oils that are most favored by formulators and why. Of course with each oils there are different grades so make sure that [...]
Getting married and have set the theme as a country? Here are some buck and doe wedding ideas which will surely help you to finalize your wedding details.Some Country Wedding Theme Ideas - Buck and DoeDeciding on a wedding theme could be challenging but if you have been lucky enough to select one theme [...]
What Causes Sebum Beads and Yellow Crusty Scalp Build Up Or DandruffFor nearly 20 Years I suffered with Excess Sebum Scalp Issues until I Found A Brand of Shampoo and Scalp Scrub called Zincplex. This is the only thing that ever worked for me. However, it took some time for me to understand what was [...]
Personalized Wedding Lingerie! Panties For the New Bride With The New NameWe love offering new wedding gift and bachelorette party gift ideas for the bride for the wedding night, funny gifts, bridal panty traditions and of course sexy honeymoon ideas. Not just thongs or booty shorts - we have several different ideas. This one is one [...]
We Specialize In Country Life And These Are Our 2 Top Selling Selling Outfits1) McCall Mini Dress Country Girl Outfit. This screams country and we love this one. A Staff and for sure a customer favorite. I guess I could take a second or two and really talk about how incredible this dress is but the [...]